, pub-9113221924936729, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

Business Modelling Associates

Business Modelling Associates is a group of professionals experienced in the design, integrated planning, prescriptive modelling, decision support and hands-on implementation of supply chains that deliver. We are currently working with Yorkshire Water Services to deliver industry-leading business analytics.

re:centre is an exciting and dynamic space with a unique design which has achieved the highest BREEAM rating - Outstanding.
BREEAM is the world's leading design and assessment method for sustainable buildings.
Environmental features in the re:centre include:
  • Natural ventilation
  • High levels of insulation
  • Photovoltaics and air source heat pump
  • Biological materials such as hemp and timber have been used as the basis for the main structure
As well as many other renewable and closed loop technologies used throughout.

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